Here's my latest two projects. With the help of
Pinterest I made this cute wreath hanger from a table leg. How cute is that? I love it. It took many hours and some patience but I got it how I wanted it and learned some tricks along the way. I also learned a lesson that my Mam used to try to teach us kids or at least she would talk about our grandfather, her Dad and how he used to always say you MUST use the right tools when doing a task. It makes me laugh to think of the different things Ive used to hang pictures or make something. My favorite is a high heel to put in a nail! So I did learn, while making this wreath hanger, that using the proper tools is better in the long run. I love how it turned out.
The door hanger was part of my personal progress and took almost a year to get made. I found the heart at a garage sale or D.I. (
deseret industries) and Ive had the wood for a while. I had a vision of how I wanted it to look. I
dont know if I love it as much as the wreath hanger but I do think its cute! It definitely looks better against my black door than on the front door where I had originally planned on putting it. Either way, I had fun making them both.